Jewelry Care Instructions

Each piece of ICS Jewelry is handcrafted & requires delicate handling. It is recommended you remove your jewelry before swimming, bathing, doing household chores or using abrasive cleaners. Avoid direct contact with beauty products such as perfume, hairspray or deodorant and make sure to wait for these items to dry thoroughly before wearing your ICS jewelry. The metal portion of our jewelry can be polished with a standard polishing cloth, or gently washed with a soft brush using mild soap & warm water.

  • Always protect your jewelry from sharp blows, scratching, chemicals, sunlight and heat/cold.
  • Store your jewelry in a soft lined box or pouch with an anti tarnish strip. Try to keep pieces apart so they don't rub together.
  • Your jewelry will age and tarnish naturally so if you want to keep your pieces in pristine condition, clean your jewelry regularly, using a professional jewelry cleaning product. Always read the manufacturers instructions.
  • Be aware of tarnish which may occur as a result of oxidization, caused by the interaction of silver or gold plated jewelry with certain elements such as oxygen or sulphur as well as with certain acids.
  • Never go swimming wearing your jewelry, as chlorine in swimming pools can cause damage to all metals and will erode gold jewelry.
  • Avoid wearing while cleaning, gardening or performing sports activities.


Keep silver jewelry away from harsh chemicals like household cleaning fluids as they create abrasions and reduce the lustre of the metal. Cleaning silver jewelry is best done with a professional jewelry cleaning product. Thoroughly dry your silver jewelry after exposure to water.


Our gold plated jewelry has a thin layer of 18 carat gold on top of sterling silver.

Gold Plating can wear off over time - to have your jewelry replated, please contact us for a quote. Use non-abrasive cleaning materials. If a cleaning substance is too strong it may remove the gold.

Do not let your jewelry come into contact with nail polish removers, perfume or hairspray. Do not wear gold plated jewelry on a day to day basis, that way you will enjoy them for much longer. Frequently clean in a mild dishwashing liquid diluted in water. Use of a polishing cloth or strong jewelry cleaner is not recommended.



Exposure to chemicals can damage or discolor precious metals – gold, silver and platinum – and may harm some colored gems. Even everyday substances like hairspray, lotion, perfume or other cosmetics can contain chemicals that will permanently damage the surface of your pearls and other delicate or porous gems (like turquoise). Fine jewelry should be removed before diving into a chlorinated swimming pool or before using household cleaners. Many of these cleaners contain ammonia, which can be too harsh for delicate gems or vintage jewelry. Chlorine bleach, another common household solvent, can pit or damage gold alloys. 


Proper jewelry storage is often overlooked. Jewelry should never be tossed into a drawer or on top of a dresser − that’s asking for scratches and damaged gems.

All of our jewelry pieces come in a box or pouch, which is a perfect place to keep them. Sterling silver, for example, should be kept in an anti-tarnish bag or cloth. Jewelry boxes that feature individually padded slots for rings and posts for hanging necklaces and bracelets are also ideal.